Monday, October 23, 2006

Microsoft Adds New Certification for Project Managers

New track features two TS-level exams, one Professional level exam, all aimed squarely at Microsoft Office Project 2007 implementers.

Adds New Certification for Project Managers Even though Office 2007 isn't expected to ship into the mainstream until January 2007 (along with Windows Vista), the Microsoft Learning Group expects to make a big certification-related announcement around Office 2007 next week, but it has nothing to do with its Microsoft Office Specialist program. Instead, the company will now be going after professional project managers with a new line of Microsoft Office Project 2007 certifications that build upon the Project Management Institute's vendor-neutral framework. Microsoft Learning Group General Manager Lutz Ziob will officially announce the track next week, to coincide with the Project Management Institute Global Congress meeting taking place in Seattle.

Read Microsoft Adds New Certification for Project Managers here.

Windows Vista Exams on the Horizon

Preliminary information on new Windows Vista exam numbered 70-620 appears on Pearson Vue testing site this week.

A new exam for Windows Vista has appeared on the Pearson Vue site. The information seems preliminary for now, as there is no listed date for beta availability, which is a good indication that the exam still percolates in development at the Redmond campus. (Microsoft makes no comments on exams in development.)

Read Windows Vista Exams on the Horizon.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Novell To Retire NetWare 5.1 and 6 Exams

Novell recently announced on its Web site that it will be retiring the NetWare version 5 and 6 exams relating to its Certified Novell Associate (CNA), Certified Novell Engineer (CNE) and Master CNE certifications.

The exams themselves will retire in March 2007, with the related titles relegated to a "Legacy" status a few months later.

The current 6.5 track for all of the company's NetWare-focused titles will remain available.

Free Novell Betas for Linux, Identity Manager, More

Novell is currently offering several free beta exams for upcoming titles.

Two of the betas are open this week: Novell Open Enterprise Server for Linux 1.0 (#051-700) and Systems and Resource Management 1.0 (#051-702). Both are scheduled to close Friday.

Candidates can register for the betas at Prometric and Pearson Vue testing centers by phone only. Each beta is limited to 200 participants -- 100 per network testing vendor.

Another beta, Identity Manager 3 1.0 (#051-703), will be available next week. Candidates can begin registering for this exam by phone on Monday.

According to Novell, those who pass the betas will receive credit toward certification -- however, the company did not specify what credentials the exams count toward.